Thursday, April 18, 2013

Roasting marshmallows on Volcan Pacaya

Here we are at Volcan Pacaya, not far from Antigua. There was no lava on the surface when we visited, but there were definitely spots hot enough to melt your sneakers.
This volcano erupted not long ago, coughing large fireball rocks onto the town below. Near the top, we stopped on a warm rock to eat lunch and listen to the wind blow. Just went we asked our guide if he couldn´t take us just a little closer to the stop, Pacaya began to rumble and growl. 

Annnd... nevermind. 

Just that sound  really drove home how powerful the volcano is ... and how much we were at its mercy.

Johnny takes a volcano sauna.
It was warm enough to steam  up his glasses!

That would be the gift shop.
Roasting marshmallows on Volcan Pacaya. Thank you, Girl Scouts.

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